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Removal of MNet logs in Moodle 2.8

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

12 August 2014, 14:19

Moodle is looking to remove the mnet logs from Moodle 2.8.

The forum discussion is located in the Moodle forums (MNet), or alternatively you can check out the issue in the Moodle tracker with the ID of MDL-39888. Please post comments in either of those two places.


Thank you.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

31 August 2014, 15:42

Hello Adrian,

Thanks for posting this info.

For others: The discussion is at and the Moodle tracker item at




anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 33

01 September 2014, 16:44

I just looked a little harder at this, it is only the Mnet logs being removed from Moodle not Mnet.

If replacing Mnet with LTI one needs to consider the Moodle security issues. At the moment Moodle only allows Teachers, Managers and Admin to invoke a LTI instance in an activity. In order for LTI to work at student privileges some consideration need to be given on the Moodle side to allowing LTI from, by, to so as to minimise the risk of the wrong content being embedded.

On a reflective note Mahara need to allow LTI both ways, this gives the learner/teacher a lot more scope when designing learning objects.

Lastly, if Mnet is to continue to be used then the issue of ID needs to be solved, I.E, when Mnetting to Moodle from Mahara Moodle assigns a Mnet ID and uses that to get the learner lined up, when Mnetting from Moodle to Mahara, Mahara uses the email address as primary ID.

This rather inconstancy method has prevented allowing a learner/user from logging in from either as a single consistent account.

My 2 bobs worth


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

03 September 2014, 8:23

Hello John,

Thank you for your reply. Currently, we are looking into how MNet can be replaced and will publish some results within the next month or so.

LTI is already on the horizon for the Mahara assignment submission plugin (from Mahara into Moodle), but has been put on hold for the moment as Moodle is going to upgrade to LTI 2.




Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

20 September 2014, 0:29


I'm investigating the LTI thing and it's odd - Mahara is already in the LTI catalogue here:

But the link refers to the Canberra project that is on hold...?

Meanwhile, it's listed as an EduApp on Canvas LMS's list here, as an SSO alternative (with options for carrying over course navigation):

But it's not listed as an authentication plugin on the Mahara wiki...?


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 34

24 September 2014, 14:21

Hi Don,

Uni of Canberra has funded the swapping out of MNET with LTI in the assignment plugin. So technically the project has started, however Moodle HQ have announced a cleanup of the LTI 1.0 code in Moodle and also the introduction of LTI 2.0 bringing the new features. In response Catalyst IT have decided to hold of the development until LTI 2.0 is in place in Moodle.

This work is clearly dependent on the timeline of the Moodle HQ timeline, and AFAIK they haven't specified an ETA?



Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

27 September 2014, 0:01

Thanks Shane.

My interest in LTI goes beyond your already very interesting project..

My last message was about putting Mahara out there on the IMSGlobal website and the Mahara wiki more clearly as an LTI tool user and/or supplier. Along with the LTI project itself,  advertising LTI capabilities could help make our  platform more popular.

Theoretically LTI could be used to invoke other tools and services outside Mahara, or Mahara could provide services to other LMS systems.

I'm sure even version 2 of the technology has its limits, but on the surface it's quite exciting, potentially providing more robust alternatives to plugins and bringing the vision of Mahara as "LMS lite" closer. LTI makes mashups more real.

For others, these links may provide some insight:

LTI page on IMS Global

Another IMS Global page with a great explanatory graphic

Technical walkthrough of LTI 2 in Sakai LMS:

Moodle LTI 2 project page

Can't wait!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

02 November 2014, 18:13

Hi Don,

The LearningApps was developed for Mahara 1.3 / 1.4 and doesn't seem to have received any updates since then. I haven't been able to test it on the demo site that existed back then. As far as I know, it did not allow what we needed to do for the submission plugin.




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