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failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

22 July 2014, 20:46

Dear All,
I am getting this error when I add Moodle site to Mahara XML-RPC

[WAR] 86 (lib/peer.php:183) file_get_contents(http://mysite/moodleweb/moodle263e): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Call stack (most recent first):

    log_message("file_get_contents(http://mysite/m...", 8, true, true, "/web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/peer.php", 183) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/errors.php:446
    error(2, "file_get_contents(http://mysite/m...", "/web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/peer.php", 183, array(size 7)) at Unknown:0
    file_get_contents("http://mysite/moodleweb/moodle263...") at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/peer.php:183
    Peer->bootstrap("http://mysite/moodleweb/moodle263...", null, "moodle", "aub") at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/auth/xmlrpc/lib.php:876
    PluginAuthXmlrpc::validate_instance_config_options(array(size 20), object(Pieform)) at Unknown:0
    call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/mahara.php:1359
    call_static_method("PluginAuthXmlrpc", "validate_instance_config_options", array(size 20), object(Pieform)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/admin/users/addauthority.php:130
    auth_config_validate(object(Pieform), array(size 20)) at Unknown:0
    call_user_func_array("auth_config_validate", array(size 2)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:1324
    Pieform->validate(array(size 20)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:492
    Pieform->__construct(array(size 5)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:161
    Pieform::process(array(size 5)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:71
    pieform(array(size 5)) at /web/moodleweb/maharalive/admin/users/addauthority.php:103

[DBG] 86 (auth/xmlrpc/lib.php:878) Error retrieving public key, failed with error code 403: Client error code:

My Moodle version is: 2.6.3+ and Mahara version 1.6.5
Please advise.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

28 July 2014, 6:52

Hello Anis,

Your last line states that the public key could not be retrieved and the first line states something similar. It seems to be a permissions issue. Are both your instances visible to each other and are the permissions on the directories set correctly? Can you try putting in the public key for Moodle into Mahara and the Mahara one into Moodle manually?Cheers

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

06 August 2014, 23:02

Dear Kristina,

Sorry for the late reply.

Both moodle and mahara are on the same server and I can access both independently. Also I was able to add Mahara pblic key to Moodle manually and I could save, but the other way is not working.

Can you advise more about "the permissions on the directories set correctly"?

Best regards,



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

31 August 2014, 16:09

Hello Anis,

Sorry for the late reply. Mhh. I don't know at this stage what else it could be. With permissions set correctly I just wanted to find out if all your Mahara folders had the correct permissions set.

Are your servers behind a firewall that would prevent Mahara seeing Moodle even when they are on the same server?

Did you try to add the Moodle public key to Mahara manually?




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