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Restrict with "read only" for users on pages, forms or curriculum

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

12 June 2014, 4:34


I'm trying to add some administrative informations like Moodle courses status in users profile that should not be deleted by users.

I thought using the Booklet plugin, but then the users are allowed to edit back the content of my custom booklets.

Is there any way to add such informations and to be sure that the users won't be able to delete it ?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

15 June 2014, 22:32

Hello Pierre,

This would require a customization. Currently, Mahara only provides defaults, but when a user has a page in their portfolio, they can change everything to their liking. To achieve read-only content, you would need to change the code.




16 June 2014, 19:42

Hello Pierre,

As Krisitina says, you can't avoid students editng their portfolio. Some fields may be marked by the administrator as non editable, a part of this evrerything is open to editing.

What I would suggest is to write a simple bloctype plugin that retreives the information you want to publish on students portfoio. So you don't edit the core and add a new feature you can manage and fullfil the needs of your institution.



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