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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Mahara/ Foliospaces

25 July 2014, 8:47

On which version of Mahara are you Working ?
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

25 July 2014, 17:04

It is Mahara 1.9.1 on



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

28 July 2014, 6:32

Hi Anis,

I could export the portfolio from student 1 and import it into student 2 on the demo site. I did get a message regarding a missing file during the export, but no error messages during the import. Do you have problems exporting and importing a file on another Mahara instance?

Do you still have the Leap2A file that you tried to import it? If so, could you please post the link to it (since it's a demo account it should be fine posting it).




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

04 August 2014, 18:58

Dear All,

Sorry for the late reply.

When I exported the file it gave two errors but the file was created.

I tried to import the same file again today and it worked....

the link of the exported file i used:

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,






Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

31 August 2014, 16:31

Hello Anis,

I don't have access to the page that you created.

Thinking of it, it's not so great to export from the demo site as the content is re-created automatically each day, and we did notice that some thumbnails are not matched up correctly.

Thus, it would be better to try with a "proper" portfolio that has not been living on the demo site.




anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

07 March 2015, 17:01

Hello Kristina

I've just encountered the same persistent problem with importing Leap2A files. 

I access my Mahara eportfolio via the University of South Australia's Moodle site. As I would like to retain access to it when I graduate, I exported a single collection as a Leap2A file (only 13KB in size), opened a Foliospaces account then tried to import the Leap2A file. It got as far as listing the pages in the collection and the files attached to it, and giving me new/ignore options for each of these, but then failed at the next step.

I tried 'ignoring' all of the attached files and all of the pages except the most simple one, with the same result. 

I then tried the same, but importing the file back into Mahara, and had the same result. 

Hope you're able to help as I have many student colleagues who would like to do the same thing. Would like to send you the file but not sure how.





Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

07 March 2015, 18:19

Hi Roelant,

Is it possible that you send me ([email protected]) the Leap2A file so that we can try it?




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