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Mahara 1.9 - edit page function doesn't seem to work?

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

30 May 2014, 7:48

Hi Herson,

Can I get you to try changing this:

       appendChildNodes(document.body, DIV({id: 'overlay'}));
       (function($) {
            // configblock.javascript might use MochiKit so $ must have its default value

To this, to see if make any difference:

       appendChildNodes(document.body, DIV({id: 'overlay'}));

If it does make a difference can you test by adding a few different blocks to the page to see which work and which do not.





anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

22 April 2014, 13:05

Hi Robert,

I've been helping David look into this. To follow up on his comments, the element which MochiKit is attempting to reference is named "instconf". At the time that this piece of code is being executed there doesn't appear to be any element by that name loaded into the DOM. 



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

23 May 2014, 8:58

To follow-up, we worked around this by rolling back to Mahara 1.8.1. Our original plan was to attempt to upgrade after the next minor release, but from what Herson has reported it appears that this would still be an issue for us in 1.9.1.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

02 June 2014, 17:05

Hi all,

From David's screencast I can see that you have some third-party plugins installed. Do you have the problem of not being able to see a block's configuration when you are on a standard Mahara instance without the plugins? If that is the case, it might be worthwhile adding the plugins one at a time to see where the issue is.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

14 June 2014, 0:34


I have exactly the same problem. I upgraded Mahara from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1. and then the problem started. We run Mahara on a MacOSX server, and has no extra extensions installed. I've tried both Safari and Firefox, but the problem is the same.

/Per A
Umeå, Sweden

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