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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Problem to login with old account

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 7

02 April 2014, 3:44

Dear moodle & mahara developers,

We are just upgrade our moodle {from version 1.9.19+ to 2.4.6+ (Build: 20130927)} and mahara {from version 1.5.1 to version 1.7.2} installation, after that one more time we are create integration between moodle and mahara like in mahoolde.phf document, of course we are also recreate keys in mahara in moodle and we are insert on right place in moodle and mahara, we are be careful with user authentication method in moodle. When we create new user in moodle and after that we are going in mahara everything work perfect. We have problem with old user when they try to go from moodle to Mahara, with other work old user can login in Moodle but when go in mahara is shows message: " Sorry, we could not log you into Mahara at this time. Please tryin again shortly, and if the problem persists, contact your administrator" :( .

I hope some one already have this experience and solution for this problem and she/he want to share with us.


Best Regards,

Jovanov Jordan


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 33

02 April 2014, 11:13

It could be that the servers clocks have drifted and and the time mismatch is to great.

You did not mention OS, so I assume a Unix like environment like Debian or Ubuntu.

Install on the servers t or the better option ntp, using the package managed.

Moodle and Mahare use xmlrpc protocol called Mnet, if the time difference is greater than 3 seconds connections fail.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 7

02 April 2014, 20:10

Hi Again,

Thank you very much for fast response.

 We are using linux CentOS and our both installation (moodle and mahara) are on same server. Also, I want to emphasize  that when we create new account in moodle ( after upgrade of moodle and mahara) we don't have problem to  login in mahara. We have problem with old account whish were created before to upgrade both applications.

Any help from everyone is welcome.



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 33

03 April 2014, 10:29

A Modle problem then, if your old accounts on Moodle had a salt you need to bring the oldsalt into the new Moodle install, users should be able to do password recovery if the old salt is not available.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 7

23 April 2014, 2:17


We still did not find a solution for this problem.
I am not sure if you understand the problem completely.
According to the Moodle documantaion if we miss the old salt than we will be not able to login to Moodle at all. In this case we can login in Moodle with both new and old users.

We have problems with old users when they try to go from Moodle to Mahara. SSO do not work.
The error that is shown is:
"Sorry, we could not log you into Mahara at this time. Please try in again shortly, and if the problem persists, contact your administrator".

The logic says that there must be some record in Moodle's database that prevents old Moodle users to login into Mahara.

What can be the problem?

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 33

23 April 2014, 11:06

When you upgraded, did you keep the old institution from the previous version in Mahara?

It sounds like your old users are missing a institution to belong to. I assume that old Moodle users are in the Mahara Database? If yes move one that is being a pain to an active Mahara institution and retest.

It really sounds like a missing institution to authenticate with.

Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

25 April 2014, 0:47

We work together with Jordan on this isssue and we found the problem.  

The integration code fails at 

line 276  -  

" $client->set_method('auth/mnet/auth.php/fetch_user_image') "

in the following file



SSO fails only for the users that already have a profile image on Mahara side.

This might be connected with this issue that was opened by Jordan recently:


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

02 June 2014, 21:52

Hi Gjorgi,

Do you have an error message in the Moodle / Mahara error log when you try to log in? It would help to know what it is.




Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

02 June 2014, 23:33


I think we could not find anything in the error log.   We've solved this on a manual way considering that we had that fortune that there were not to much users in the system.

We just reuploaded profile photos on Moodle site and the SSO worked after that.

We did not find the real problem?




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