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31 March 2014, 9:42
I followed the installation as it should but when I tried to access the page to see if the email part work, I had the following error
"For some reason some of the core data directories could not be created. This should not happen as Mahara previously detected that the dataroot directory was writable. Please check the permissions on the dataroot directory."
Please someone can help me
Thank you in advance
31 March 2014, 10:38
Hi Mohammed,
As the message says, please check the permissions on your dataroot directory (the directory you specified in your config.php file as $cfg->dataroot). This directory and all its subdirectories must be writeable by the user your web server runs as.
31 March 2014, 21:08
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for you reply. I have already done this by taping "chmod 777 dataroot" in the console that's why i don't see the cause of this problem .
31 March 2014, 22:51
Hi,Don't forget the -R parameters to ensure your settings are applied to every sub-folders.
chmod -R 777 dataroot
Also look who is the owner of the folders, your webserver's user must access them. So use for exemple on Ubuntu:
chown -R www-data:www-data dataroot