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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Profile picture

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 7

05 February 2014, 20:42

Hello all,

I  just setup integration mahara/moolde and everything work perfect except to change profile picture (avatar) from moodle to mahara. With other words, on first upload profile picture in moodle and go in mahara I can see the picture, but if I want to change my profile picture in moodle and after that I go to mahara i see my first picture not the second one.

I hope someone have solution for my problem and will be nice to share with us. :)

Best Regards,
Jovanov Jordan

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

06 February 2014, 14:32

Hello Jordan,

Did you tick the check box "We update user info upon login" in the authentication plugin?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 7

06 February 2014, 20:34


Thank you for your answer, but I still have same problem.

I just want to note that I success update my other information like first name and last name, even I can upload profile image for first time. Problem is show when I change my profile image for second time, when i change profile image from moodle and i go in mahara still have the first image.


  1. Create acount in moodle;
  2. Go to mahara over link;
  3. Back to moodle;
  4. Upload profile image in moodle (image1.jpg)
  5. Go to mahara - I can see image1.jpg like mine profile image;
  6. Back to moodle;
  7. Upload new profile image in moodle (image2.jpg) and for test I change my First name;
  8. Go to mahara - a see changed first name but again I see image1.jpg like mine profile image;

Thanks to everyone for helping,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

09 February 2014, 16:48

Hello Jordan,

It seems that the second profile picture is transferred, but not set as the new default profile picture in Mahara. Please go to "Content" -> "Profile pictures". Your new profile pic should be listed there for you to choose it as your new default in Mahara. I suspect that it's not selected directly for one of two reasons: 1) Since we have 5 profile pictures, it is up to the user to decide which ones to use, 2) It's a bug that the new Moodle profile picture is not chosen as the new default one in Mahara.

If you think this should be addressed, you are welcome to file a bug report at




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