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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Mahara authentication Plugin timing out or not making contact

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

30 January 2014, 11:50

Hi Everyone, just trying to create my mahoodle:-) 

I have Mahara 1.8 installed and running and I have moodle 2.5 installed and up and running.

For Mahara whenever I try to add the authentication plugin to authenticate via SSO from another source (as I want them to log in through Moodle) I end up with a blank screen.

 Both Chrome and IE spin for a while before they give up at establishing contact.

I'm running a dedicated managed server with godaddy running 

CentOS 5 x64
Intel Core i5 - 3.10 GHz
any thoughts?
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

30 January 2014, 12:48

Hello Tod,

Do you have anything in the error logs of Moodle and Mahara? Is the plugin XML-RPC installed properly on your server? Do you have networking enabled on Mahara? When you add the MNet auth method to an institution, you should be getting a pop-up window asking for all the details. Can you add the Mahara server in Moodle?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

31 January 2014, 9:52

HI Kristina,


Thansk for the ideas.  Networking is set up on both Moodle and Mahara.

XML-RPC looks to be installed properly.  

I do get a pop-up when I add the auth method to the institution, but when I fill out the information this is where it simply send no data.

Hmmmm...I get the same issue when I try to add Mahara server in Moodle.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

06 February 2014, 15:06

Hello Tod,

Something is missing then from your server or they can't communicate with each other (firewall / no permissions?). Please check the error log. Some more information might be revealed in there. An easy way would be to check the error log right after you hit the "Save" button when wanting to add the authentication method in Mahara as it should be the top one then.




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