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Hate IE with passion! any workarounds?

Marius Jugariu's profile picture
Posts: 17

29 January 2014, 0:23

Hi folks,

I must say I hate Internet Explorer with all my heart, with an indescribable passion. We upgraded a test copy of our live Mahara from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1 and our Mahara responsive theme works fine with Firefox, Chrome and Safari but not with IE10.

When editing the page, this is the view that comes up in Firefox, Chrome and Safari, the "#editcontent-sidebar" behaves as it should:

But when I use it in IE10 it overlaps:


I played around with the CSS positioning but can't figure a way around to get this to display correctly. Everything else works fine but this. Unfortunately, the majority of our users are IE users so it is not something negligible.

Any ideas please? Thank you!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4772

29 January 2014, 14:30

Hello Marius,

I understand your passion and am happy that I don't even have a computer where IE is installed in any of its many versions. :-)

Our designer checked on her IE 10 with the default theme and everything is correct there. Since we don't know what changes you made, it's tricky to give you any advice. It looks like you tinkered with the padding or layout because the tab is sitting a bit far from the page area already. Did you take the default theme as guide for your responsive theme?

Can you also please choose the default theme (no changes made) as your site theme and see if you have the same problem in IE 10? If you did change your default theme, you can test it on

Please also check that your browser document mode is IE 10 and not Edge or something else.

Evonne had created theming guides for Mahara 1.8. I don't think they are of help for your particular issue, but give you some tips for theming Mahara 1.8 in general if you haven't already seen them.




Marius Jugariu's profile picture
Posts: 17

29 January 2014, 23:21

Hi Kristina,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, in the other pre-set themes that come with Mahara, blocks and  display was as it should, it just happened on our customised one.

It seems that the button "submit query" that shows up causes that mess so I took it out from /htdocs/theme/ourtheme/static/style/style.css on line 58   /*display:inline-block;*/ and now it seems ok.

I will have to look throughout the whole Mahara to make sure I haven't deleted a button from somewhere else where it should appear.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4772

30 January 2014, 9:24

Hello Marius,

Great that you found the issue. We don't have a "Submit query" button anywhere in Mahara. So you should be fine.

You could do a "diff" between the default theme and your custom theme to check for differences. That might be easier than having to go through the entire theme line by line. At least you would be focussing to look at the changes you did make.




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