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Export / import of locked pages

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

24 January 2014, 6:00

A quick question.

When you submit a page to a group and the page is locked and then export it through LEAP2A, does the page remain locked or is it re-opened?

If I then imported into another site, is it still locked or re-opened?

As an example, a student completes a portfolio here and wants to take it outside to make it accessible and grow it. However, a lecturer has left feedback and doesn't feel the student did enough to pass. If the page unlocks, the student could make amendments after being imported elsewhere (such as portfoliocommunities) and/or delete the feedback and say it was acceptable work.

Does LEAP2A keep this all locked down so that those pages cannot be amended?


24 January 2014, 23:41

As far as I have experimented import / export of Leap2A files, the information that a page is locked is not exported so not imported.

Therefore, and as I always say, we should consider submitting pages to groups in Mahara for formative assessments and use a LMS for summative assessments.

Certainly that the introduction of openbadges in Mahara will change this, because the badges will be a kind of proof that passing criteria have been attained with the submitting of the content of the students' pages. Then, a page with the stamp (badge) will be a kind of proof and will be exported / imported through ePortfolios management systems.
Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

27 January 2014, 11:55

On a technical note, it's imposible to really lock a page when it's exported to leap2a. The user could just unzip the leap2a file and manually edit the XML.

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