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Copy versioning

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 6

07 January 2014, 1:50

Dear All,

First post to the forums and have to admit I am a mahara admin newbie. Sorry if this is not the right place.

I have created a collection of default pages that I am going to pilot with 2 student groups.

When I copy the collections over I get copy versions e.g. Page 1 (1) and Page 1 (2).

I have managed to remove "Copy of.." through the config.php but I need to remove the version in brackets. Is this possible?



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 112

08 January 2014, 16:02

If these pages are all under the same user, as opposed to some being in a group, you will have a name conflict.  Are you modifying the pages for each group?  If so, why wouldn't you want a different name for each page?  Or why don't you store them in their respective groups?

Lately I have been doing a whole bunch of copying of pages (40 different pages from one starting template).  I put a number in front of the title for the template page, so it is always at the top of the list, and then I just modify the title to be what I want for the new page and save the page.  The "copy of" and page number is basically irrelavent, because the title is always changed.  



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4729

20 January 2014, 15:34

Hello Ben,

Welcome to Mahara. I've filed a bug report at because the number is not necessary. It would only be necessary if the user already had a page with that same title.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4729

20 January 2014, 17:15

Hello Ben,

I just tested it on another Mahara instance and did not get a number added when a page with the same title did not already exist. Can you please check that a page with the same title had not already existed in the user's account?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 6

20 January 2014, 22:54

Hi Melissa/Kristina,

Thank you for your help and sorry for the delay in coming back to you. We are trialling it with a mixture of vocational areas within the institution so it is an exciting but challenging experience.

The page versions only seems to happen when I copy pages within my own account.

I am in the process of creating collections for different study programmes, some of which share similar units/modules that I have created as pages. When I have shared the collections with other users the number doesn't get added, I've noticed.

Many thanks




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