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Page sharing only for staff

Kevin Rickis's profile picture
Posts: 67

20 December 2013, 5:30

Hi all,

Is there a way to prevent students from sharing pages but still let staff share pages to students?

I am aware this is not really within the philosophy of Mahara but it has been requested by a school we are working with.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

22 December 2013, 13:19

Hello Kevin,

This is not possible out of the box with Mahara because it's always the portfolio author who can decide with whom s/he wants to share a page.

You should be able though to make a customization which only allows people with the role staff or admin to share pages, but not others. Maybe an easy way would be to not give students access to the "Shared by me" page and take the tab "Share page" off when they edit a page. You'd have to check if a user has the role "staff" or "admin" and allow those to see these pages. Just an idea, but I'm afraid though that I wouldn't be able to tell you how as I'm not a programmer.




Kevin Rickis's profile picture
Posts: 67

22 December 2013, 14:09

Hi Kristina,

Thank you for your reply. This is basically what I thought. Looks like I have some code hacking to do in the new year.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

22 December 2013, 15:19

Good luck, Kevin. I hope you can make it work. :-)




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