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Group editability - problem with setting end date

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

06 December 2013, 1:41


A while back I set up about 20 groups by CSV. When a group administrator edits the group settings and tries to set an end date, they are prevented from saving with the alert:

"Access denied. You do not have access to view this page. group_update: cannot update a group in this institution".

I've experimented with given certain of the Group Administrators a Site Staff, but this doesn't give them the required permission - they still get the same alert.

I've looked into making them Institution Staff but it's not clear how to do this. We have a single Institution set up, and if I go into Admin > Institutions > Administer Institutions, that displays as expected.

But if I then go to Admin > Institutions > Staff, it says there are 'No institutions'

Site admins are currently the only people who can change a Group's editability dates.

Any clarification or help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,





Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

22 December 2013, 13:48

Hello Mira,

Sorry for the long silence. I could reproduce the problem you reported and filed a bug under




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