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mahara and mariadb
04 November 2013, 11:32
got the following message while installing mahara on debian with mariadb instead of mysql:
Mahara: Site unavailable
04 November 2013, 12:08
checked it -open init.php and set
$okversion='05.0.25'; for mysql
you must set the 0 before 5 because the version-number of mariadb is 10.XX.XX
the leading number wants 2 digits and not only 1 digit.
cu, TR
11 November 2013, 15:13
I'd recommend just commenting or deleting this block of code in init.php:
if ($dbversion['version'] < $okversion) {
throw new ConfigSanityException(get_string('dbversioncheckfailed', 'error', $dbfriendlyname, $dbversion['version'], $okversion));
Since we at Mahara HQ aren't actually testing it against MariaDB, it doesn't really add anything to make sure that your MariaDB version number is above a certain point.