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Clearing out previous years shared pages

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

01 October 2013, 23:07


I'm wondering what processes lecturers have in place at the end of an academic year for clearing out pages that were shared with them the previous year, in advance of the next intake of students to avoid confusion.

I hope that makes sense.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

07 October 2013, 22:01

Hello Wullie,

That's an interesting question because right now you can't take yourself off the access list for a page. You have access to it as long as the owner of the page allows.

One way I could think of to make that a bit easier would be to use groups and ask the students to share their page with that group instead of you. That way, you can have a list of all the pages shared with the group and don't need to search for them by tag or some other identifier. Then you can happily ignore these pages when you want to search for others.




Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

07 October 2013, 23:33


The problem with that is that the pages are assessed work, so can't be shared with the rest of the group.

Maybe adding another drop-down in the Shared with Me Advanced options with each group in and selecting the required group or being able to search by users names (does the new search in 1.8 allow this?) on the Shared With Me page might be a possibility.

If you think this sounds a good idea (I like the former), I'll raise a feature request.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

15 October 2013, 18:24

Hello Wullie,

This does sound like a good idea to specify which group you want to search in.

The fulltext search does not seem to find submitted portfolios as they aren't really shared with a group. I created a wishlist item for that:




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