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Edit access of a view after submitting

Oliver Lang's profile picture
Posts: 12

16 September 2013, 18:43


I don't know if it's a bug or a feature Wink We have noticed that students could edit the access to a view after it was already submitted to a group. So it is possible to give someone access after the view is submitted - it's a tricky situation for us because the views are part of the diploma. It should not possible to change the permissions afterwards. 

We are using Mahara 1.6.1

Thanks for a reply

Regards Oli

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4746

16 September 2013, 22:08

Hello Oli,

Why should someone not be able to give another person access to a page / collection when it has been submitted to a group? They can't change most of the content but may still want to give others access to the page.

Can you please provide more information why this would be a tricky situation?




Teresa Brady's profile picture
Posts: 33

27 September 2013, 11:44

Was the group set up by a Staff/Administration User?

If the group was created by a Standard (or Student) User (who doesn't have Staff/Administrator rights), then the Page (or View) submitted by the Student User will still be editable by the Student User.

If the group was created by a Staff or Administrator User, and the 'Controlled' item was checked  when it was being created, then Student Users can submit their pages to the group and the Page will be locked for editing until the Staff User (who created the group) releases it back to the Student User.

Here is further information on setting up a Controlled group:


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