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Can't Change Admin Password

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 3

18 July 2013, 1:28

I have installed Mahara and ran the web-based installation. However, I cannot get the admin password to change. I kept trying and trying and now the default "mahara" nor my new password work. I just get the following message:

"You have exceeded the maximum login attempts. This account has been locked for up to 5 minutes.
"You have not provided the correct credentials to log in. Please check your username and password are correct."
Any ideas?

18 July 2013, 2:13

Hello Joanna,

If you get this error continuously it is certainly related to your cron job. When cron is not working your Mahara doesn't notice that time has passed, and remains stuck on the fact you have entered a password too many times. You can try to unblock this by entering the following URL


As an admin you must check on the admin page that the cron is working properly or not - I think it is not. To make your cron working, follow the procedure described in the wiki (



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

18 July 2013, 6:50

I tried to access ...cron.php and nothing loads. However, I could use the default "mahara" admin password to access the change password screen. However, entering a new password and email just throws me back to the login screen with the default "mahara" password working to take me to change password screen.

I cannot get the admin password to change for some reason and, therefore, can't access any admin screens.

Any other ideas?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

19 July 2013, 2:09

Hello Joanna,

Most likely, your cron file is not set up on the server yet so that it can access the cron file in Mahara.

On my local instance, I needed to set up the file /etc/cron.d/mahara and put the curl command in that you can find on the wiki.

When you go directly to there is nothing displayed, but the cron job should still run if you want to run it manually.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

19 July 2013, 6:01

Actually - what a pain - I had to go in through myPHPAdmin and manually input my email address for the admin. Then, I had to use the forgot-my-password procedure to get the new password to stick.  For some reason, I could not do the automatic admin password change after installation, no matter what I tried. This is the workaround that got the job done for anyone else who has the problem.

19 July 2013, 23:00

Hello Joanna,

Please check with the Terminal on your server machine that the line that invokes the cron job is present. You can do this from a Terminal window and typping

        crontab -e

If the line for Mahara is not present, please add it to the cron file.

I think that your problems are cron related.



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