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Error importing SQL from phpMyAdmin backup

Richard Glover's profile picture
Posts: 6

19 June 2013, 0:10

Hi, we suffered a systems failure and all I have is a phpMyAdmin dump of the Mahara database.

When I try to import the database through either phpMyAdmin or mysql at the command line I get the following error:


There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem

ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 12
STR: //
CREATE TRIGGER `update_unread_delete_trigger` AFTER DELETE ON `notification_internal_activity`
                IF = 0 THEN
                    UPDATE "usr" SET unread = unread - 1 WHERE id = OLD.usr;
                END IF;


SQL query:

DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `update_unread_delete_trigger` AFTER DELETE ON `notification_internal_activity` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF = 0 THEN UPDATE "usr" SET unread = unread - 1 WHERE id = OLD.usr; END IF; END //

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"usr" SET unread = unread - 1 WHERE id = OLD.usr;
                END IF;
      ' at line 5

It looks like the same error that was discussed on this thread:

Unfortunately, I can't go in and dump the database from the command line as the server died and all I have is the dump made through phpMyAdmin.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix the broken SQL and get it imported?

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

20 June 2013, 12:07

Hi Richard,

You've got a general MySQL/phpMyAdmin problem rather than a Mahara-specific problem, so you might have better luck asking in a more general MySQL or phpMyAdmin forum (maybe stackexchange?).

But my guess is that phpMyAdmin exported it using the double-quote " character to escape table names, whereas MySQL normally expects the back-tick ` character.

I normally use Postgres rather than MySQL, but if I'm reading the MySQL manual correctly, you should be able to set a session variable to activate ANSI_QUOTES mode, which will make it accept double-quotes. ( )

Try doing "SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;" to find out if you have any session-specific SQL modes currently set. Then add to the top of your dump SQL file this command: "SET SESSION sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES';" If the first query returned anything other than an empty string, you'll need to add those other session SQL modes to the list in the second query as well.

Good luck!



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