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transitioning from TaskStream to Mahara

Francine Glazer's profile picture
Posts: 14

15 May 2013, 1:03

Our institution (New York Institute of Technology) is currently using TaskStream for faculty eportfolios. We've just received a mandate to switch to mahara. Does anyone know of an easy way to take an exported TaskStream (.zip) file and import it into mahara?


Fran Glazer


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 59

15 May 2013, 2:41

If TaskStream provide a LEAP2A format zip file from their export, you can use that to import  your user accounts.

They say they export to XML on their website, but I'm not sure if this is in the correct format to be able to import to Mahara.


15 May 2013, 3:16

I believe TaskStream uses IMS Global Standards, which Mahara follows as well. You might want to to a test. Do you know what options you have for export? After exporting, you can upload a .zip file to the File area of Mahara and unzip it. The file area should then contain any flat files associated with the TaskStream portfolio--images, text, video, etc. The owner of the portfolio, would need to create Pages and Collections in order to share their work, but at least all of their artifacts should come over. I hope this makes sense and is helpful. Please let us know how you make out in the transition.


Francine Glazer's profile picture
Posts: 14

18 May 2013, 2:51

Thanks, Ellen,

TaskStream (TS) does not use the Leap2A format, unfortunately. We've tried uploading a zip file and you are correct, all the artifacts do upload. The problem seems to be more on the TS end - files are organized into multiple layers of subfolders based on when they were uploaded (one folder for year, then subfolders by month, then subfolders by day). The text on the various TS pages is saved as .htm files with seemingly-randomly-generated file names. Excavating the mess is so arduous I think it may be easier to start from scratch. (Still hoping for a miracle, though!)



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

15 May 2013, 16:13

Hello Fran,

As Tom already wrote, Mahara uses the Leap2A standard (and not IMS Global). If you have a portfolio export from TaskStream in XML format we could check how it differs from Leap2A and potentially write a migration script. But I haven't seen a TaskStream portfolio yet to know how well things from there would map to Mahara.




Francine Glazer's profile picture
Posts: 14

18 May 2013, 2:52

a migration script sounds like it would be incredibly helpful!


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