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Google Apps in Mahara v1.6.2

Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

02 April 2013, 22:49

I created a Mahara page to demonstrate to a colleague what can and cannot be added through Google Docs.

We are using Mahara v 1.6.2 and frankly the results are pretty disappointing (unless I have done this very wrong - I did set all the links to View Public on the Web?)

Would be interested to know if anyone else has had better success than I?

Feel free to add Feedback on page -


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

04 April 2013, 12:29

Hello Gideon,

A fix will go into 1.6 and 1.5 with the next minor point update. The fix for Google presentations is already in review.

You can always also add Google code to the list of allowed iFrames and can thus be independent of the Google apps block. We had planned to deprecate that in the future anyway because the "Allowed iFrame sources" made it largely redundant.



Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

04 April 2013, 21:19

Thanks Kristina and thanks for the follow.

I can embed Google Forms fine using code in a text box as I added this to the list of allowed iFrames and teh embed code for Forms includes an iframe.

I have not been able to find similar for the other features eg

  • Docs
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations

I would be grateful if you or any other posters might be able to put me right/give advice/tell me what code I should use.



PS I totally forgot despite reminders about the newsletter - rubbish - sorry. I will write one for the next one.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

06 April 2013, 11:19

Hello Gideon,

No worries re the newsletter. Look forward to your article for the July one.

As for finding the embed code:

for Google Docs: File -> Publish to the web -> Start publishing -> Embed code is listed right under the document link further down in the box.

for Google Spreadsheet: File -> Publish to the web -> Start publishing -> under "Get a link to the published data" choose "HTML to embed in a page".

for Google Presentations: see Google Docs

Hope that helps



P.S. Great videos on OpenBadges in Moodle.

Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

07 April 2013, 4:45

Thank you for putting me right. I have now updated the page.

The presentation is now showing via the iframe link as is the spreadsheet.

Bizarrely, the spreadsheet link that was not working with the GoogleApps block has magically appeared but only once I added in the link to the spreadsheet via iframes.

The exact same was true of the Google Doc but also very strangely, the GoogleApps block shows the document perfectly but the iframe link does not?


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

07 April 2013, 17:26

Hello Gideon,

Mhh. What's the iframe you used for the GoogleDoc? Can you please check if it is already in your Allowed iframe source list?



Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

07 April 2013, 22:48

OK. Had a couple of iframe sources and in there.

Replaced them both with and seems to be back on track!

Many thanks

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