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Linking to Instiutions

Jasmin Hodge's profile picture
Posts: 33

23 March 2013, 23:33

Hi there

I have set up a institution in our Mahara site for training only.  I want delegates to log into our Moodle and click straight into the training institution.  It won't accept the authorisation because our Moodle sites address is used in another (our main) institution.

Is there a way round this?  Appreciate any help or advice :)

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

25 March 2013, 23:15

Hello Jasmin,

Unfortunately, that is not yet possible. A Moodle site can only be linked to one Mahara institution but not multiple ones because Mahara would not know into which institution to put which users.

I hope this won't bring down your training.



11 April 2013, 22:54

Hello Jasmin,

I also had the same problem to solve when preparing a training for a specific institution or for teachers inside my own institution.

I have solved my problem in creating a new Moodle instance and have linked it with our formal Moodle server (via mnet). Therefore it is possible to jump from one Moodle to the other without re-authenticated the users. And then from the second Moodle I "jump" users to a specific institution on our Mahara server.

A bit tricky but it is working.


Jasmin Hodge's profile picture
Posts: 33

24 April 2013, 11:23

Thank you, that is a great idea.

My IT team have gave me an image of our whole Moodle and Mahara site for me to do as I please - they may regret it!  I will feedback and let you know how I get on.

jasmin :)

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