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CPD plugin: Hierarchical structure?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 March 2013, 20:49

Hello James and Geoff,

We have the CPD plugin in use on (renamed to PLD [Professional Learning and Development] because that's the term teachers in NZ use). Recently, a teacher said it would be great if a number of PLD plans could be combined to show a total score. He has broken up his PLD for a year into several "plans" to show clearly which ones are internal, external etc. Now he'd like to get the total over all.

Thus, I guess a kind of hierarchy of CPDs or the choice to combine the total number of hours from several would be good.

Do you develop the plugin actively / do you collect feature proposals?



Geoff Rowland's profile picture
Posts: 108

19 March 2013, 2:24

Hi Kristina

Always nice to know the CPD plugin is being used.

I have recently switched jobs, so my Mahara tinkering has been put on the 'back burner'. I have done little more that check the CPD plugin still works on Mahara 1.5 and 1.6.

That said, I am gently 'pushing' for Mahara to be adopted by my new employer (who has expressed an interest in a CPD system). So, may have the opportunity to revisit this. Of course, if anyone else wants to develop the plugin code in the meantime, it is available on GitHub

Can see the logic of a hierarchical structure with totals over several plans (each with different focus/category). Another (more flexible?) option might be to 'tag' plans to categorise them. Then perhaps display details/totals for a particular category - or all categories.

I'll do some more 'head-scratching' and am open to further ideas.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

19 March 2013, 21:19

Hello Geoff,

Thank you for the update. We might have the chance to look into adding tags, but nothing has been finalized yet. If we do, we'll send you the patch so you can check if you'd like to include it.



Geoff Rowland's profile picture
Posts: 108

28 May 2013, 7:10

Just updated the CPD plugin code on GitHub

to include tagging functionality, kindly provided by Son Nguyen


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

09 June 2013, 17:42

Hi Geoff,

Thanks for incorporating our code (Catalyst IT) into the plugin. The work was sponsored by the NZ Ministry of Education.




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