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Kategories in groups

25 January 2013, 8:29


I've got 54 groups running on Mahara because I'm working in teacher education. I really need time to find the groups I need in this long list!

Is there any possibility (plugin, addon, ...) to kategorise my groups, for example in Bachelor Studies, Further Edcuation, ...

Tanks for help!


Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

25 January 2013, 9:34

Hello Peter,

this already exists to some extend. Simply go to and do some playing with the various search parameters. Perhaps you could assign a tag for groups and filter results that way?

My employer paid for some of the search enhancements and now everyone can use them. There is obviously room for improvement and maybe your or someonelse's institution has a budget for this.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4820

03 March 2013, 19:57

Hello Peter,

In order to use categories for groups, you'll first need to turn them on at and then you can add as many categories you want, but a group can only be in one at a time.



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