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Pedagogy /
Blooms Taxonomy Feedback

Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

21 January 2013, 8:17

I am now using Mahara for my ICT classes in Year 7 and 8 (Secondary school in UK - Yr7 11/12 and Yr8 12/13)

Students create pages and are guided to show evidence of the work they have done weekly. Students may submit evidence in any format they wish (making use of a range of Web2 tools) but must include some explanation of what they have done.

In my feedback I am now using Blooms taxonomy "tags" to signpost the work they have done (alongside a WWW - what went well and EBI - even better if comments).

The image tags were made in Fireworks and are available on my ScoopIT site -

The image tags are stored on my dropbox account and I just provide a link to them.

Here are some examples:


In another topic I teach, we encourage students to signpost their own evidence using a range of similar tags.

These tags are stored on our Moodle and as students have single sign on, they can be easily linked to. Students then add the tags at the top of any text box explanation they a similar way to how I use them in feedback.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

21 January 2013, 9:52

Hello Gideon,

Thank you for sharing how you work with Bloom's Taxonomy and give feedback to your students also including the level of the taxonomy that they have achieved. That's a great way of giving feedback and illustrating their achievement easily at the same time keeping the taxonomy in view.



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