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Mahoodle public key error

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

17 January 2013, 0:12


I recently had an issue with Mahara where I had to rebuild the database, which I've now managed to do.

Unfortunately, I am an unable to SSO from Moodle to Mahara and when I look in the Peers, my Public network key is showing as incorrect within Moodle (The public key you are holding for this host is different from the public key it is currently publishing. The currently published key is: <the next part is empty>) even after I've changed the key within Mahara.

Does anyone have any solution for me to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

17 January 2013, 9:22

Hi Wullie,


some time ago I had the same issue and ended up having to delete the key directly in the database. I was using phpmyadmin so it was no big deal.

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

17 January 2013, 23:19

If only mine were that simple to be using a mySQL database.

Mine is a PostgreSQL database (which was fun restoring when I know next to nothing about PostgreSQL) and I can't just delete the public key from the database because 'Data in this table cannot be edited because it has no primary key.'

I take it there should be no issue if I add a primary key  in the host table (e.g. the name field), edit the data then remove the primary key again.


Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

19 January 2013, 1:02


Did you mean delete the key in the Moodle database or the Mahara database?

I deleted the Moodle one in Mahara and now I no longer get the 'The public key you are holding for this host is different from the public key it is currently publishing. The currently published key is: <the next part is empty>' message, but I still can't jump from Moodle to Mahara.

Have I deleted the wrong one?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

20 January 2013, 19:55

Hello Wullie,

Did you try to delete the key that Mahara publishes? A new one will be generated that should then be picked up by Moodle.




Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

21 January 2013, 21:27


I've deleted that key and the Moodle one.

Will there be any issue with profiles/work if i move all those with that authentication type to a standard login, delete the XMLRPC (which I can't while it's associated with users), then recreate the XMLRPC and re-add them?

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

24 January 2013, 5:32


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

03 March 2013, 20:03

Hello Wullie,

Sorry for the long wait.

When you deleted the key on the Mahara side of things and on Moodle, were you able to set up networking between the two again? If that is the case, you won't need to delete your existing MNet connection but just update the authentication settings so it uses the new Moodle key.

If that is not possible, you can move your users to internal authentication. However, they will all receive a message about it. You should inform them beforehand what you are doing and that they shouldn't try to log in until you give the all clear (when you added the new MNet key again and moved them back to MNet authentication). You might want to check that the remote usernames are correct when you move them back to MNet auth not that duplicate accounts are created esp. if the internal username is different from the original MNet one.



Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

08 March 2013, 3:32


Thanks for your feedback. I still can't get Mahara linked back to Moodle (although I have since linked a new Moodle to the same Mahara and that worked fine), but I have made the decision to rebuild over the summer and will leave it as manual logins until then (a few months isn't a big deal).

Again, thanks anyway.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 March 2013, 13:11

Hello Wullie,

I'm afraid I can't think of anything else at the moment why it wouldn't connect your Moodle again to Mahara. There must be something blocking the keys. Is there anything in the error log or on the screen when you tried to enter the new auth from Moodle?



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