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anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 24

16 January 2013, 5:20


We are looking to enhance reporting on Mahara and have some questions:

  1. What is the definition of "active" in the user table? What can we infer about "active" users?
  2. In what table is the account creation time stamp located?

Thank you.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

20 January 2013, 20:17

Hello Sam,

Great that you want to improve the reporting. :-) Will you share your ideas at the next MUG meeting? Mahara 1.7 will have a new feature (I still need to document it) that will show the last login of a user on the "User search" page. You'll be able to filter for when a user logged in last.

As for your questions: The very general asnwer to what "active" means is: Any user who has logged in at least once. There is usually a gap between registered users and active users esp. when you upload users via a CSV file. There the accounts are available, but a user might never actually have logged in. As you can see from the statistics page, there is also active users for today and the previous week. This really - as far as I know - is only based on logins. By logging in, the user did something and thus became active.

I believe the creation time stamp would be in the usr table in the ctime column. "ctime" in Mahara always means creation time. If you upload users by CSV, the ctime would be the creation of the account, but not necessarily the first login. The lastlogin column shows when the user has logged in. With the new 1.7 functionality, you will be able to see easily on the front end whether a user has ever logged in.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 24

23 January 2013, 5:04

Hi Kristina,

Thanks for clarifying this for us. I'm sure it won't be a problem for us to discuss this at the MUG meeting.

We have a follow-up question: CTIME in the USR table is not populated for us, could the fact that we use Active Directory be responsible for this? Is there something we need to do to active this?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

03 March 2013, 20:09

Hello Sam,

I'm sorry for the long wait. I don't know why CTIME wouldn't be populated. Does that happen with all users or just with some?



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