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User manual translations and screenshots

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

22 October 2012, 16:21


If you are a user manual translator, you may already know from the other user manual translation topic that Iñaki adapted a script to make auto-numbering callouts in a Gimp file easier.

I have been using Gimp to create new screenshots and used the script for the callouts for the 1.6 manual. Some screenshots that didn't change haven't been updated and those that don't have any callouts aren't available as Gimp files but straight as PNG.

The Gimp files are all available in the "images_original" folder and you are welcome to grab them to create your own screenshots. The advantage would be that you'd already have the callouts and wouldn't have to make them yourself though you'd still have to make the screenshot and position it in the existing file.

Iñaki has also been working on a script that would allow for the automatic creation of png files from xcf files no the server facilitating the process of placing them in the manual.

Therefore, we are wondering what your work flow is and if it would help you to only save the xcf files and not worry about the png files to upload to Gitorious or whether you use a different method of making screenshots and callouts entirely.



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