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Group Member Mini Photos

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

15 October 2012, 7:50

Hi all,

Last question (for now - can you tell I'm new to Mahara haha)

Is it possible to remove the mini images next to the names of all the users that are members to each groups? And just be left with a list of names...

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

22 October 2012, 1:52

Hello Laura,

Questions are good. Smile

You cannot leave off the profile pictures from the group member listing. There is no setting for it. You could do it as a customization in your own Mahara instance though by changing the code to that effect.

Why do you not want to show the profile pictures? Would it be on the group member listing on the group homepage or on the "Members" tab? Would that be a feature that we should consider for Mahara core?



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

22 October 2012, 3:03

Hi Kristina,

Looked through all the settings and figured I couldnt do it but did notice I could remove the blocks from the page that shows all the group administrators and members etc. so did this instead.

We want the users to have profile pictures when you click on their profile just not displayed on every group under the members tab.

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