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Easy way to find shared pages

Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

12 October 2012, 4:27


Perhaps I'm just missing how to do this, but I've been asked by tutors if there is an easy way to find pages that students have shared with them. As a workaround I've suggested getting the students to e-mail the url for the shared page - but surely there is a better way of doing it as the data is sitting in Mahara?

If not then it's an obvious feature request to add 'pages shared with me' to the Portfolio menu.

Thanks, Gordon.

sean mcclelland's profile picture
Posts: 31

12 October 2012, 10:45

There are a number of ways to do this...

  1. Click on Groups > Shared Pages (all pages shared with you by other users, in order of most recently modified or commented on)
  2. Check for "new page access" messages in your Mahara Inbox (click the mail icon, top-right of window).
  3. Check the "latest pages" or "recent activity" blocks on your Dashboard page (and add those blocks if you haven't already).

Our system is setup to send email notifications each time a new page is shared with you. So you could also do a search in your regular email inbox (if your system is set up to send emails).

- Sean

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

12 October 2012, 22:07

yes,In fact it is possible

Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

13 October 2012, 11:54

As Sean suggests, option #1 is what I would advocate using. You can access this way: view/sharedviews.php See screen shot

As a side note, enhancements to this feature were commissioned by Rocky View Schools. For a very reasonable amount this was developed and is now part of the mahara core. I can highly recommend to have your institutions budget for code enhancements, get them developed to be then included in mahara core.

Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

15 October 2012, 5:23

Hi Sean & Dirk,

Thanks for this. I remembered the notifications list, though get so many myself it's a needle in a haystack.  Group --> shared pages does seem to be exactly what I was looking for - but I wouldn't have thought of looking there for pages shared to an individual rather than to a group. Listing it under group seems counter-intuitive to me (I'd expect shared pages to be found under portfolio --> shared pages rather than groups).

Dirk - I just wish I had such a budget!

Many thanks, Gordon.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

22 October 2012, 2:02

Hello Gordon,

"Shared pages" was implemented under "Groups" - if I remember correctly - because it is more of a collaborative feature of Mahara and it doesn't mean only to show pages shared with you, but also you in manay capacities and since Mahara 1.5 also with logged-in users or the public.

However, that doesn't mean that it needs to stay there for eternity. If there are enough people who think it should appear somewhere else in the navigation this can certainly be discussed and then changed.



Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

22 October 2012, 8:48

Hi Kristina,

I'd certainly vote for that - there are very specific use differences in group (collaborative) and individual sharing (for example student sharing a reflective journal privately to a tutor). While having a shared pages option in the 'Group' menu is useful to have, I'd suggest tutors wanting to view work from a student won't look under groups for that information - it's not intuitive. I'd argue that a separate link to a list of pages shared to named individuals (single or multiple) should be accessible via the portfolio menu.

Thanks, Gordon.

Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

22 October 2012, 10:04

I am with Gordon in that there is room for improvement. I like it having this under the portfolio menu also. As a quick fix, I could see a renaming of /view/share.php from 'Share' to 'Shared by me' and at /view/sharedviews.php 'Shared pages' to 'Shared with me'.

Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

22 October 2012, 12:24

Me again...what I described above is actually realy easy to achieve. There may be other repercussions but maybe not.

In /lib/web.php line 2345:

change from 'path' => 'groups/sharedviews', to 'path' => 'myportfolio/sharedviews',

In /lang/en.utf8->view.php

line 156: change from $string['share'] = 'Share'; to  $string['share'] = 'Shared by me';
line 362: change from $string['sharedviews'] = 'Shared pages'; to $string['sharedviews'] = 'Shared with me';

screen shot below

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

22 October 2012, 13:56

Hello Dirk,

The menu item should not be the issue as it is just that. I do not see any repurcussions functionalitywise, but a dev can correct me if I am wrong.

It would be good to hear some more opinions on that change before making it as it would not just affect one menu item but also mean renaming 2. Personally, I like the renaming.



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