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Release Candidate 2 for Mahara 1.6 is now available! Please test!

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anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 197

10 October 2012, 0:16

This is a call for testing. If you want to make sure that Mahara 1.6 works well on your site, please help us out by testing this second release candidate:

New Features for the Release Candidate are listed on Launchpad with the "newfeature1.6" tag:

You can find some of these new features documented in the Manual for Mahara 1.6. Check out all new features listed under "New in Mahara 1.6". Not all new features are documented yet, however.

We have also done lots of bug fixing in this cycle. The full list of changes so far for 1.6 can be found under the 1.6 milestone on Launchpad:

If any of the targeted bugs affected your users, this is an opportunity for you to make sure they are fixed properly.

If you do not have anywhere to test it, we have a demo site available for people to try it out with:

The Mahara developers have completed development and bug fixing on Mahara 1.6 and are giving users an opportunity to report last minute bugs to be considered before the final release:
If important bugs are found within the next week we may produce a third release candidate. Otherwise this release candidate will become the final release.
- The 1.6 Release Managers

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

10 October 2012, 2:27


The link to the manual is : There you'll see the index entries under "New in Mahara 1.6" and take it from there. All new features are highlighted with a little Maharabot holding the sign "v 1.6". That should be easy to spot. Smile



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