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Conclusion of the Security Bug Bounty

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

04 October 2012, 21:12


Everything ends at some point and so does the Security Bug Bounty for Mahara today. Over the last 6 months, security researchers from around the world participated by reporting bugs to the project team. These bugs threatened the security of mahara users and the researchers were awarded for their efforts when the bug was a security issue. We would like to thank all who participated in reporting these problems and helping us fixing them.

Although the bounty has ended, you can still report security issues to the project team. If you want to report a (potential) security bug, please send it with as many details as possible to [email protected] or create a report at and set "This bug contains information that is" to "Private security".

You can find further information about security in the Mahara project at

The Mahara Release Team

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