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Privacy Issue: Hiding Your Activity from Other's Dashboards

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

20 September 2012, 12:01

At Pace University we're using Mahara 1.5. On the Dashboard page, you can see users who have recently updated or shared pages. If a user wants to hide this information from others so they don't see what they're doing- how would they do that? I don't see any options in the settings area.


Thank you!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4898

20 September 2012, 14:41

Hello Michelle,

Your pages will only show up in the "Latest pages" when you have made them available to the user whose dashboard you are viewing. It is like the block "My pages" on the profile page. Depending on which user views your profile, some may see pages while others may not. Thus, also the "Latest pages" block can display different pages for each user as everyone has different permissions to view pages.

You could check this by doing a little experiment:

  1. Make one of your pages available to Beth but not for Sam. The page should only be accessible to Beth. If you have any other access permissions, like for your friends, groups, logged-in users or the public, please take them off.
  2. Check on Beth's computer what her "Latest pages" block shows. Your page should appear right at the top.
  3. Check on Sam's computer what her "Latest pages" block shows. Sam should not be able to see your page.
  4. If Sam does see your page listed though she doesn't see the page under "Michelle's pages" on your profile page, please let us know as this would have to be investigated further.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

25 September 2012, 10:46


Thank you for the response! I will test this out with Sam and others in the office.



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