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PortfolioUp version 2.2 for Mahara released

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 23

02 August 2012, 1:28

Hi all,

PortfolioUp version 2.2 has been released. Now you can download and use it from Apps store

These are new features of PortfolioUp 2.2

  • Upload images and video from  iPhone/iPad library
  • Record and upload videos and images from iPhone/iPad camera
  • Use the Mahara mobile upload function (no installation of an additional plugin on your Mahara server)
  • Add title, desciption, tags to uploads
  • Create new folders for uploaded images/videos
  • Works with 3G and Wifi connection

Please read this article for more information:




Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

03 August 2012, 4:04

Thanks Kien,

I'll get it tested in a couple of weeks when my colleague is back in with her iPhone/iPad and let you know how I go.

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

20 August 2012, 6:22


Still no luck. When I click on the app to run on either the iPad or the iPhone, it just crashes straight back to the main iPhone/iPad screen.

Any suggestions? Anyone else having this issue?


Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

16 October 2012, 8:10


I've finally got it to work, but on an iPad3, rather than an iPad2.

Do you know if there is a minimum spec for iOS version for PortfolioUp! to work?


A post by Account deleted was deleted

Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

28 August 2014, 10:02


been a while since anyone posted on this.

My college is very interested in this app. Have you been doing any further work on it?

Do you offer any support for the app?



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 23

03 October 2014, 13:42

Hi Tim,

Sorry for late reply. I have been busy with some other stuff and did not go through this forum for awhile.

Unfortunately, we could not provide much official support for this app. We can only try to help as much as we can on this forum. If you want to have a formal support you can book with Brightcookie at

At this moment, we are running a crown funding project to develop a new version of PortfolioUp with a lot more features. You can have a look at here:



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

02 October 2015, 5:22

Hi Kien,

I really hope development continues on this app. I know many of our students have iOS devices and want to be able to easily add content (text, audio, video, images) to their Mahara portfolios on the move without needing to sign in to the desktop interface.

There must be iOS developers out there willing to take on this project, surely?


Kind regards


Julian Prior

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

03 October 2015, 12:20

Hello Julian,

I was told by the Brightcookie developers that the ExperienceUp app will be available for Mahara very shortly. So keep your fingers crossed.




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