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Live broadcast of MUG meeting on July 23, 2012

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

20 July 2012, 8:53


This is a cross-post from Keith that was made to the MUG Facebook group.




Just a reminder about the MUG meeting coming up on Monday (the 23rd) at Purchase College SUNY.

Here's the morning lineup, from 10:00 until probably around 12:30:
- Keith Landa (Purchase College): Welcome; introductions; brief history of MUG; brief view of Moodle & Mahara at Purchase
- Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst): What's on the horizon for Mahara?
- Beth Klingner & colleagues (Pace University): ePortfolio developments at Pace
- Greg Conyers (SUNY Downstate): Developing a campus repository API for Mahara as the basis for a SUNY Lifetime ePortfolio
- Ellen Marie Murphy (Empire State College): Mahara and the OpenSUNY initiative
- Keith Landa: preview the afternoon open sessions; frame lunch discussions on the future of MUG

Following the morning sessions, we'll have lunch and spend the early afternoon discussing topics submitted by participants.

If you are joining us on campus, Purchase College is located at 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase NY 10577 (  You can find a campus map here (  We'll be meeting in the Red Room, on the main floor of the Student Services Building (#18).  Guest partking is available in lot W-1.

For those of you who can't join us, we'll webcast the morning talks at:

Hope to see you in person or online on Monday.

keith landa, director
teaching, learning, and technology center
purchase college suny

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