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institution quota
10 July 2012, 9:40
Dear all
The upgrade from mahara 1.4.0 to mahara 1.5.1 was fine. Now i have a problem with the institution quota. We have one institution with LDAP authentification (LDAP Version 3). The institution default quota is set to 1GB. But, when a new user logs on, the quota is only 10MB. What’s wrong? After first logon, I can change the Quota to the right value. On Version 1.4.0 i had no problems with the quota.
If you know more informations, so let me know.
Thanks for your support.
15 July 2012, 3:15
Hello Patric,
In 1.5 we introduced an institution default quota. Can you please check that this is not set to 10 MB which is the default. It is #10 in the screenshot at
17 September 2012, 2:04
I checked the institution default quota, it was set to 1000 MB. I changed the quota to 1 GB and registered a new user on the institution. The quota for the new user is 10 MB.
17 September 2012, 15:52
Hello Patric,
Sorry, but I don't know much more. It seems like the setting isn't stored. A developer may know more of where to look / give permissions to write to.
18 September 2012, 8:20
Liebe Kristina
Herzlichen Dank für deine Bemühungen. Dann hoffe ich, dass mir jemand anders helfen kann.
Liebe Grüsse
18 September 2012, 9:53
in screen shot #1 I see 5 LDAP authentication methods activated. That's where I would start looking. Perhaps make a user using 'internal' authentication first and trouble shoot with that user.
You might also want to look in the database in the table called 'institution' In it you can confrim/set the value for 'defaultquota'
19 September 2012, 9:53
Hello Dirk
Thank you for your answer.
I posted the solution in german in the mahara group "Deutschsprachiges Mahara". If you understand german you can read the solution under the following URL:
If you don’t understand german, please read more.
On «Site administration > Extensions > Plugin type: artefact > file > file [Config] > Default quota» I selected the checkbox next to «Update user quotas».
After those settings, i registered a new user on the institution and the quota was 1 GB. Now it works and I‘m happy.
19 September 2012, 11:34
Hall Patric,
Super! Mahara wird immer besser und irgendwie wusste Ich dass mein comment nicht so ganz viel Sinn macht. Habt Ihr wirklich 5 LDAP institutions und das funktioniert?
20 September 2012, 1:21
Hallo Dirk,
Kein Problem. In der Datenbank habe ich ebenfalls nachgesehen. In den Tabellen, welche für mich und mein Problem Sinn machten, hat soweit alles gut ausgesehen. Ich glaube, es brauchte einfach einen SQL Update-Befehl in der Tabelle 'usr', damit alles wieder einwandfrei funktionierte.
Ja, wir haben für diese Mahara-Institution wirklich fünf LDAP Authentication plugins, welche auch einwandfrei funktionieren.