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Moodle (2.0) to Mahara (1.4) problem : wrong link provided

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 17

26 June 2012, 8:25

Hi everyone, I come to you with a serious problem...


I've installed Moodle and Mahara on the same physical server but with a different virtualhost.

Moodle is a basic installation plus the modifications I've put helped by this document (

Moodle recognized Mahara well as a new institution was properly created in Mahara.

The connexion link (XMLRPC) is also available, so does the MNet one (It shows up while connected in Moodle in a sub-menu).


The problem is when I click on the connexion link and the connexion page in Moodle, I've got an error when we try to connect to Moodle using Mahara :

Mahara: Invalid Parameter

A required parameter is missing or malformed

Missing parameter 'wr' and no default supplied


The URL a this time was like :

(Obviously, due to strategic issues within our society, this is a fake link, I'd just show you how the URL looks like)

Can you help me?

Is it a versionning problem? A bad configuration feature? A bug?

Thank you.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 17

01 July 2012, 15:28

Sorry for the bump, but I really need some help.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 18

01 July 2012, 21:09

Hi Thibault,

I'm not sure about your specific problem  - but have you tried with newer versions of Moodle 2.0 has just falled out of support and the latest version on the 2.0 branch is Moodle 2.0.9.



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 48

01 July 2012, 22:13

Hi Thibault,

It looks as if you have not specified the type to be mahara on the moodle side. The hostwwwroot is used in the moodle jump.php file, whereas wr is used in the mahara jump.php file.

If that doesn't work, can you let me know your versions of mahara and moodle?



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 17

02 July 2012, 2:25

First of all, thanks for your answers.

I'm going to check out with the latest version of Moodle.

I'm using a 1.4 Mahara and a 2.0 Moodle.

I've correctly specified the application type that Moodle should connect to. I can see Mahara everywhere I go (peers, SSO, and so on...)

Regards and thanks for your help, everyone.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 17

02 July 2012, 3:58

So, I've upgraded my Moodle to 2.3 and the problem persists. I can jump to Mahara if I'm already logged in onto Moodle, but I can't jump if I was on the login page. "wr" parameter still missing and the hostwwwroot GET parameter is correctly provided.

I don't know why that problem occurs. I'll try with a more recent version of Mahara.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 48

02 July 2012, 17:50

Hi Thibault,

So when you are logged into moodle, you can jump to Mahara correctly?

Am I right that your only problem is that you can't jump when you are not logged in? What workflow are you using, and what do you expect? Let me know that and I can look into it.





anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 12

03 July 2012, 10:03

Hello again,

we got stuck finding to solution for our Error.



Mahara 1.4

Moodle 2.3

Mahara SSO to Moodle


On Moodle login page there is a Link to Mahara (to use the Mahara login). If we click on that we get to a Mahara login page.

URL in adress bar is:


Now we login to Mahara (correct user/password) we should get redirected to Moodle but we get the Error Message:

Mahara: Invalid Parameter
A required parameter is missing or malformed

Missing parameter 'wr' and no default supplied

Like diskussed above Mahara jump.php checks for $_GET Parameter "wr" but moodle supplies "hostwwwroot".

When we use the Link directly in Mahara it works fine.

Do you have any idea to fix it?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4886

05 July 2012, 4:21

Hello Bjoern,

From what you describe I understand that you redirect your users to Mahara via the jump link before they are actually logged in to Moodle. If I go that route, I also cannot log in to Mahara (Hugh: Copy the jump URL, log out, paste the jump URL and look below the standard login form. There is "Log in using your account on" with the link to the Mahara site. I have a site where I can reproduce it). But I do not get your parameter error message.

The URL in my address bar looks different. For it is

Can you please try to log in to Moodle and click on the jump link then, e.g. from the Network servers block? You should be logged in to Mahara without problems. In the login sidebar block under your name you will see from which Moodle you came. When you click on that name, you'll be taken back to Moodle.



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 12

05 July 2012, 6:41

Hello Kristina,

first of all thank you very much for your answer.

Maybe I didn't describe my problem in a good way, cause I think you got me wrong, reading the last passage of your answer.

We have the following configuration:

Mahara is our "host" system which shall be used for all login-precedure, hence we don't want user to directly login on moodle and go to mahara, because the way we want is: login on mahara and go to moodle if you want to use it.

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.

Well, I gues that makes it unecessary to login to moodle to chec the link to mahara even we don't have that link, cause Mahara is our host system and don't want to have our users to login directly to moodle and jump to mahara.

Anyway we I use the following way to get to Moodle, it works fine.

Login to Mahara
Click the link on the right hand side to get to Moodle
Arrive Moodle
Click the link in Moodle at the very top right to get back to Mahara

This works really really fine.

But there are some users who know the URL of our Moodle Site and sometimes they go to that side cause they would like to use Moodle that time, but they don't have Moodle-Local Accounts so they need to use the link below the Moodle login form, which redirects them to a Mahara login page with the URL in the adress bar which I posted before.

Logging in there on the Mahara login form, coming from Moodle, the login attemp is accepted but then, when it comes to the point where they should get automativally redirected to Moodle it fails with the parameter error I also posted beforehands.

[cite]From what you describe I understand that you redirect your users to Mahara via the jump link before they are actually logged in to Moodle. If I go that route, I also cannot log in to Mahara[/cite]

Yes, if I got you right on your configuration Moodle is the "host" system, so your users don't have a Mahara Local account the only have the account transfered from Moodle, right? Also I think in your institution configuration there is XMLRPC the selected authentification method, right? This would explain, why you can not login to Mahara directly. But our configurtion is exactly vice versa as I described above.

Anyway, thank you very very much for your answer, if you have any further ideas or remarks, you are really welcome to let me know, so that I could solve our problem.


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