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How do you work with the singular and plural version in the translations?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

24 June 2012, 0:13


In the German group the question was asked how to deal correctly with the singular and plural versions that are now available for translators. Just amending a plural "s" may not always work. How do other translators deal with that?



24 June 2012, 9:16


Ich habe dies leider nicht gelesen, aber meine Antwort ist :

In French I sometime have to change the structure of the sentence to deal with plurals. In that way I can deal with parameters without changing the string's meaning.

This is because plurals in French, oder auf Deutsch, are a bit more complicate/complex than in English.

To achieve that it is important to play first with the feature the strings are related to, to clearly understand what the interface should say to the users. Then the rewriting is possible.

Questo è come lo faccio, e funziona maggior parte del tempo.

Cheers, :-)


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

24 June 2012, 18:25


Richard created a wiki page with some info on how to work with the plural forms and what to do when they do not yet exist:



Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 160

01 July 2012, 13:48

The initial question from my side was a misunderstanding. I thought the '%s' marks the plural 's. But its a placeholder like %d. Launchpad handles plural forms as seperate strings. Because different languages  have very different rules for plural forms based on the language launchpad shows 1,2 or more forms for the different ways to translate plural forms.

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