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Groups copy page button purpose?

sean mcclelland's profile picture
Posts: 31

22 June 2012, 15:53

I'm Mahara 1.5, there is a new "copy page" button on the About tab in groups. I am confused about the purpose of this button.

This button appears to function the same as the one that was already (in 1.4) on the group Pages tab. And when you click the button, from either place, this creates a copy of the group page within that same group.

Is this correct?

If so, I would advocate that we actually need and want, is a button that allows a user to copy a group page to THEIR portfolio, not back to the same group.

Our faculty often create pages as templates for students, who need to copy that "template" page to their portfolio and add their own content. The current process for copying a page to a users account (not to a group) is rather tedious.

If I am correct about this, please let me know and I'll add this to the feature request forum.

Thank you.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

23 June 2012, 23:24

Hello Sean,

Thanks for your thoughts and yes, there is something wrong with the "Copy page" button on the group homepage. We ran across this on a client Mahara installation and the functionality is currently being fixed:

Once it's fixed, the "Copy page" button will always copy the page into your own portfolio. This will be fixed for Mahara master, but you should be able to get a patch for Mahara 1.5.



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