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browser compatibility

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 27

20 June 2012, 2:30


What are browsers recommended for using mahara?. I use FIrefox 13.0.1, Opera 11.64, IE8 and it seems that some of mahara functions didn't work for example in dashboard when a user login there are homepage information like create and collect, organise, and share and network. Any link in that homepage information can be click and link to the correct page but not for create and collect, and also organise. Is this a bug or do I need to change some configuration in mahara?. Thanks.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4740

24 June 2012, 0:06

Hello raven,

The headings "Create and collect", "Organise" and "Share and network" are not links. They are just headings. :-)



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 27

25 June 2012, 0:12

helllo Kristina,

Yes i know that those are heading but i'm not asking about the headings itself but description about each headings when you login there is a word that has a hyperlink to other pages right?. My question is some of those link not working for example if my portfolio website is and when i login i go to create and collect heading and click on journal link it will go to http://portfolio/artefact/blog/ instead of Do you know how to solve this?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4740

25 June 2012, 4:41

Hello raven,

Oh now I understand. Thanks for the example. I'm going out on a limp here, but suspect that your configuration of your server may not be correct. Usually, the URL is used automatically from what Mahara knows of your system.

Can you please check your Apache configuration? That seems to be the only place where I could find the mentioning of a URL:

I may be completely wrong. So, any developer who has superior knowledge, please jump in.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 197

25 June 2012, 5:48

Hi Raven,

Can you tell me, what is in your htdocs/config.php file for the $cfg->wwwroot setting?

It should be '' not 'portfolio'.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 27

25 June 2012, 21:51

hello melissa,

yes my $cfg->wwwroot already set but i had that problem. Do you know what's the problem?. I already restart apache itself. The problem happen only for create and collect and organise, but for share and network no problem.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 197

25 June 2012, 23:19

Hi Raven,

Are you using a translation or have you touched the translation files?


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 27

25 June 2012, 23:40

hello melissa,

i didn't use translation.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 197

26 June 2012, 0:46

Hi Raven,

When you hover your cursor over one of the links that goes to the wrong place, what does the link look like then? Does it have the there then?

Do you have a rewrite block in your apache configuration file? If so, can you paste it for me?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 27

26 June 2012, 3:46

hi Melissa,

yes it has but when i click it it goes to for example portfolio/artefact/blog

this is my apache config

$cfg = new StdClass;

// database connection details
// valid values for dbtype are 'postgres8' and 'mysql5'
$cfg->dbtype   = 'mysql5';
$cfg->dbhost   = 'localhost';
$cfg->dbport   = null;
$cfg->dbname   = 'mahara';
$cfg->dbuser   = 'root';
$cfg->dbpass   = '';
$cfg->pathtounzip = 'C:\bin\unzip.exe';
$cfg->pathtozip = 'C:\bin\zip.exe';

// Note: database prefix is NOT required, you don't need to set one except if
// you're installing Mahara into a database being shared with other
// applications (this happens most often on shared hosting)
$cfg->dbprefix = '';

// wwwroot - the web-visible path to your Mahara installation
// Normally, this is automatically detected - if it doesn't work for you
// then try specifying it here.
// This value must end with a /
$cfg->wwwroot = '';
// If you want to serve all of your Mahara content via HTTPS, just set
// $cfg->wwwroot to use HTTPS.
//$cfg->wwwroot = '';

// If you are using a proxy to force HTTPS connections, you will need to
// enable the next line. If you have set this to true, ensure your wwwroot
// is a HTTPS address.
//$cfg->sslproxy = true;

// dataroot - uploaded files are stored here
// For example, valid paths are:
//  * /home/user/maharadata
//  * /var/lib/mahara
//  * c:\maharadata
// INVALID paths:
//  * http://yoursite/files
//  * ~/files
//  * ../data
// This path must be writable by the webserver and outside document root (the
// place where the Mahara files like index.php have been installed).
// Mahara will NOT RUN if this is inside your document root, because
// this is a big security hole.
$cfg->dataroot = 'F:\portfolio\data';

// If set, this email address will be displayed in the error message if a form
// submission is suspected of being spam. This reduces the frustration for the
// user in the event of a false positive.
$cfg->emailcontact = '';

// Set this to enable a secondary hash that is only present in the config file
$cfg->passwordsaltmain = '';

// When changing the salt (or disabling it), you will need to set the current salt as an alternate salt
// There are up to 20 alternate salts
// $cfg->passwordsaltalt1 = 'old salt value';

// closing php tag intentionally omitted to prevent whitespace issues

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