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Moodle and Mahara are running on IIS7 in windows. Can't SSO

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

08 June 2012, 9:51

So as the subject implies, I have moodle and mahara running on windows server 2008, using IIS.  I am trying to set up SSO, mostly because I want to pass information between the two. In fact, I would not even think about using mahara if it weren't for that feature.

Anyway, both products are running on the same web server. Moodle is at http://servername, and mahara is at http://servername/mahara.

I have set up openssl, which was fun, let me tell you. and networking is working in both products. Both sides have created public keys. I followed the mahoodle doc.

I know they are talking to each other, because the moodle side of things works correctly, but I can't get the institution added in mahara. When I try to set it up, I get the good ol'

"An error occurred while retrieving the public key from the remote server.
Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host.
Error retrieving public key, failed with error code 0: Sorry, but that hostname (0) could not be resolved!"

error, and can't seem to resolve the problem. I know my wwwroot is right, and I know my dns works. I even went into my hosts file and mapped the ip address to moodle's wwwroot.

I checked my error logs, and here is the specific error:

[08-Jun-2012 14:47:04 UTC] [DBG] 8d (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mahara\auth\xmlrpc\lib.php:877) Error retrieving public key, failed with error code 0: Sorry, but that hostname (0) could not be resolved!

I have scoured the internet, and especially the moodle and mahara forums, and no one seems to have an answer for this that works. I am at a loss for what to do. Does anyone have any advice on this?

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

11 June 2012, 16:09

I have even gone ahead and made mahara a different website, running on a different port, but still the same server. The problem persists. I have even reinstalled said mahara, and no luck.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

13 June 2012, 9:21

Reinstalling Moodle fixed the problems. SSO is working now. I just need to get all my groups and courses going now!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

13 June 2012, 15:20

Hello Nicholas,

Great that your issue is fixed now. Thanks also for adding that info here.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

08 August 2012, 19:19

Hi Nicholas

We would like to migrate our Moodle/Mahara from Debian to Windows Server and it sounds like you are a man who has a lot of experience here.

Any advice that you could share?  Any links that were especially helpful?

Many thanks


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