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Changing FirstName and LastName

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

02 June 2012, 6:14


Is there a way where we can change the firstname and lastname fields for a registered user?

I accessed the usr table in the MySQL database and tried to change it through the back-end (phpMyAdmin). However, the firstname and lastname fields are disabled. 

I need this for two purposes: 

1. The admin account (default) does not have a firstname and lastname (both fields are blank) 

2. A user made a spelling mistake while creating his account, and has requested that the spelling error be corrected. 

Is this possible? 

Appreciate the help from the forum. 

Thank you
Best regards

- Praveen

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

04 June 2012, 1:00

Hello Praveen,

There is no need to access the back end to make a name change as long as the first and last name fields are not locked. A user can change the name himself in Content -> Profile. Smile

If you as administrator wish to make changes in the name or email addresses etc. for a large number of users, you can also use the CSV functionality for that because under "Add users by CSV" you can also update their data from the admin interface with the help of a CSV file.



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