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Top Level Hosting Company

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 18

30 May 2012, 5:00

 Hi, I have had a month of untold problems yet again with my second hostingn company and was wondering if the mahara team could recommend a hosting company that can actually run this package. What I am looking for is a company that will allow as the address that is found in the top left hand side of the Cpanel as opposed to something like which seems to be causing most of the issues. It would be also great if their tech team actually knew something about mahara and was running the right versions of apache, PHP and Msql. If you do know of such a company would you please contact me at [email protected].















[email protected]

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 18

30 May 2012, 5:04

I was thinking, your hosting company obviously runs mahara properly on its servers,  Could you please give me their name if it is not running on your own servers.  If it is, do you host as well as provide greate site content.

Kind regards


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

30 May 2012, 15:49

Hello Steve,

The site is hosted by us at Catalyst IT, the lead development partner of Mahara, on our U.S. infrastructure to make it fast for the Northern hemisphere. Smile The wiki states that problems could occur with shared hosting, so hopefully, somebody who got it to work can advise you. Otherwise, you can contact a Mahara Partner and discuss hosting your site with one of us.



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