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1.5 Reporting Features

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 24

21 May 2012, 14:57

Mahara 1.5 Question: If we used one institution for all students, would that reduce the usefulness of the 1.5 reporting? What are the reporting features in 1.5?
anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 197

22 May 2012, 23:13

Hi Samantha, gives some detail about the statistics available via the administration interface. Is that the kind of reporting you meant?

If so, I don't believe it matters so much about the institutions.

If this wasn't the reporting you meant, please do clarify :)


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

23 May 2012, 4:29

Hi Sam,

We (Catalyst) are working on some more reporting features which should go into Mahara 1.6. They'll be similar to what is sent to when you register your site, e.g. how often which text block is used in a specific institution, how often a certain artefact type has been used etc. This feature is implemented for for the NZ Ministry of Education and it will be open sourced. Smile

I believe in these rich statistics more than when somebody accessed a page for how long as these statistics will give insight into how users are using the system and we'll be better able to tailor training, support etc. to the needs. For example, if users in an institution only upload files into their portfolio, we will be able to ask why that is the case, if they don't know about these other features or don't know how to use them etc.

Access statistics also have their time and place and a number of people would like to see them. So there is still work to do. But we wanted to focus more on content and supporting users in their portfolio creation rather than admin reporting controls.



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