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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Moodle-Mahara theme sinchronisation

Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

10 April 2012, 16:09


We have Moodle 1.9 and Mahara 1.4.1 integration. We have Moodle session themes enabled.

We want to assign themes on different institutions in Mahara that will be named the same as the themes in Moodle. 

What we want to achieve is to keep the things sinchronised. For example, if the session theme in moodle is set to theme="xxxx" when the user comes to Mahara atomathicaly become a member of Institution "xxxx" (if he/she is not a member from before) and the theme for the institution "xxxx" to become active in Mahara.

What do you think? Is it possible to do that by modifying jump.php script on Moodle side and land.php script on Mahara site? How complex that solution can be?  Any PROS and CONS about this approach?

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

11 April 2012, 5:56

Hello Gjorgi,

The first issue I see in your question is you want to access different institutions from one Moodle and one Mahara. The problem is that with actual XML-RPC connection you can single-sign-in a user from one Moodle to only one institution on a Mahara server.

Your question/problem is also raised by other admin/developers in different posts here on the forums. But there is no possibility to make users land to different Mahara institutions from one Moodle server.

To do this, you should rewrite the connection modules on Mahara and Moodle.

In the future, we know that Moodle will abandon MNET to interconnect services. It was forcast to abandon this in Moodle 2.3 and it seems that now Moodle Pty will wait and postpone this abandon. This means that in the (near) future, Moodle and Mahara will have to work on a new system to make Moodle and Mahara interacting.

This will be a great opportunity to design this with new features such as mirroring Moodle courses with Mahara groups or institution, etc.

Stay tuned.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4886

11 April 2012, 15:15

Hello Gjorgi and dajan,

On top of what dajan already said, you should be able to at least achieve automatic group creation from a Moodle course with the existing web services plugin (for Mahara 1.5).



Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

11 April 2012, 17:04

Kristina thank you for your replay too.

This web services plugin seems like worth to take it in consideration.  I quickly visited the link and I can see in documentation that is also possible to add a user in a specific institution over web services.

But what do you mean with "for Mahara 1.5"?  Does it mean that this plugin do not work with Mahara 1.4.1 or the latest 1.4.2?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4886

12 April 2012, 19:02

Hello Gjorgi,

The web services plugin was created using the master codebase which at that time was going to become Mahara 1.5. Therefore, some backporting to Mahara 1.4 would have to be made for it to work as it does rely on some 1.5 functionality.



Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

11 April 2012, 16:58

Hi Dominique,

Thank you for your reply.  I was aware about what you wrote regarding accessing the Mahara from Moodle in one institution and generally in our case is not a problem if all the users are members of that institution.

The only problem now is that this prevent us to assign different themes in Mahara on a different institution on the way like we want.

That is why I was wandering if it is possible to send some information over jump.php script in Moodle, something similar like the info for the language is always sent. and to try to catch that information in the land.php script in Mahara and use it further with some additional modification of the code 


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