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Could not generate a new SSL key

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

04 April 2012, 9:41

This morning I could not login into my Mahara 1.4  from Moodle 1.9.15 as i used to do. No changes in server name nor any modifications has been done to Mahara installation so far. The error message is "Could not generate a new SSL key. Are you sure that both openssl and the PHP module for openssl are installed on this machine?" and YES... PHP module for openssl is installed in my machine.


Apache error log shows:


Update from Kristina: I deleted the error log as it contained potentially sensitive information. Such items should be stripped out before posting them to a public forum.


I had to create a new user and give him an admin role throughout phpmyadmin. Then I could login and became admin again. But when I click in 'Networking tab' nothing but the above mentioned message ("Could not generate a new SSL key. Are you sure that both openssl and the PHP module for openssl are installed on this machine?") is displayed.

I don't know what can I do to solve this weird issue.

Moodle and Mahara are both installed over a ubuntu linux server. They have been working for years without troubles so far.

Any idea to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

Toni Soto

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anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

04 April 2012, 17:36


I had to modify the 'Site name' and 'Networking tab' started to work again --> A new SSL key was generated and I finally managed myself to put Mahara up and running again!




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4863

10 April 2012, 1:00

Hello Toni,

Great that you could solve the problem yourself and that your site works again. Smile Had it been a key issue on the Mahara side, you will be able to generate a new key from Mahara 1.5 on.



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