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Screen Readers

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Posts: 1

28 March 2012, 11:27

I know that there was a thread in the Mahara forum started in 2008 regarding the use of a Screen Reader, such as JAWS for windows.  I would like to inquire if any additional work has been done in the area or if any plans are in place to address Accessibility requirements in upcoming releases. 

Thanks in advance or any infomration that you can provide.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4747

28 March 2012, 14:19

Hello Doug,

There was a post on the bug tracker last year pointing out some issues. A few have been resolved.

If you are using a screen reader or other tools on a regular basis and could provide insight into what could be improved that would be much appreciated. The best version to test with would be a Mahara 1.5, currently available as release candidate at . You could also head over to and test the latest code.



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