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Change default dashboard

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 15

23 February 2012, 6:57

Hi,   I want to be able to change the look and feel of the default dashboard so that it is more user-friendly for our students. I also want to be able to change the 3 blocks that are on the dashboard e.g change the text, images and even addmore blocks to it. 

How would i go about chaging these setting ? I already know how to change the colours and borders etc for the blocks.

Thanks Steve Longley


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

23 February 2012, 13:21

Hello Steve,

You can change the 3 boxes on the dahsboard easily in the theme template file. If you want to make the change for all themes, please use /htdocs/theme/raw/templates/homeinfo.tpl If you want to have different images in different themes, you can put this template file into the respective theme.

If you want to change the default blocks on the dashboard that will also have to be done in the code.



Andy Dalrymple's profile picture
Posts: 10

10 January 2013, 2:45


I found the dashboard.tpl file in the user folder in the raw theme. Apologies

Hi Kristina,

What code (or file) exactly would need to be changed to alter the default blocks on the dashboard?

I would like to customise the dashboard for all users.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 January 2013, 8:56

Hi Andy,

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you since I've never changed dashboard default blocks and can't read code to that extend.

A developer would have to take that question.



24 February 2012, 4:57

Hi Steve,

And to just change the strings, you could create a new langpack or edit the lang folders content.


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