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Problem with Mahara Assignment and Journals

Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

24 January 2012, 6:19

We are using Moodle 2.0 with Mahara 1.4 and the Mahara assignment for a Spreadsheet course. Students create a Mahara page and upload it each week for marking.

As part of the Mahara page they use the journal to write about what they have done and post the entries on their page

The problem arises that when I grade their work and want them to make corrections to the journal entry , it tells me that it is "Submitted for Assessment" and students have no editing rights (See link)

This is causing huge issues with students who are only 11 and are very keen. Dont want to lose the momentum. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance Gideon

Gideon Williams's profile picture
Posts: 108

24 January 2012, 6:23

Sorry, meant to say that the "Submitted for assessment" still appears on the journal even after I have marked it and "released" their page.

25 January 2012, 5:26

I confirm this is bug which is not fixed yet.



24 January 2012, 14:32

Hi gideon,

I think Richard already answer to this problem : this is a bug that has been reported. You may find the discussion related to this problem in a precedent thread you open :

looking at this page :,941
aparently it hasn't been solve yet :



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 59

25 January 2012, 13:40

I had this issue with one of our TDM implementations where we have TotaraLMS + Mahara and the assignment module.

I made a change to the plugin code so that when a grade + feedback are given, the page is released in Mahara. 

Right now and on my tablet, I cannot remember off by heart the change, but I will look into it. It isn't a flexible hack, but it was an only option with limited funding at the time... :P 

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 808

25 January 2012, 15:19

Thomas, the page itself *does* get released on grading, thanks to a recent change by Luke Tucker.  Previously it was only released when the outcomes plugin was installed in Mahara, but now it should always be released.

The bug that still needs to be fixed (in Mahara, not the plugin) is that the artefacts that were inside the submitted page are still locked even after the page is released.  That patch on reviews is almost right, it just needs to be slightly tweaked & tested, someone will get to it soon.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 8

10 December 2012, 17:00

Hi there, I have just been testing this using Mahara 1.6.2 and Moodle 2.2 and the page does not get released back to the students. What version does this work and has the issue with the arefacts been resolved? Thanks, Heidi

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

11 December 2012, 7:46

Hello Heidi,

The issue with the releasing was resolved a year ago (see the commits at ). As I don't know what code you are using, I can't say. The plugin it self is unmaintained and thus was not checked if it required updates for Moodle 2.2+.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

18 December 2012, 12:46

Thanks Kristina, I passed this information onto our developers and asked them to make sure we have the latest version of the plugin. They updated this and it resolved the issue. Have a lovely xmas break :)

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

19 December 2012, 7:39

Hello Heidi,

Great that it works now.

Happy Holidays to you, too.


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