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Moodle upgrading and Mahoodle

Juan Ezeiza's profile picture
Posts: 35

12 January 2012, 1:38

We are planning to upgrade our Moodle 1.9 to 2.2. It could be difficult, because we have some non standard modules. So, one of the possibilities we are thinking about is making a clean installation of Moodle 2.2 and recovering the courses one by one.
In that case, we should do the SSO again. Has anybody done it? Do you think that Mahara users' information could be lost in the process? Any suggestion?
Thank you.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

15 January 2012, 0:08

Hello Juan,

The Mahoodle setup under Moodle 2 is still very similar to the one under 1.9. Some things are fund in different places though. Inaki had updated the Mahoodle setup guide (use the Mahoodle-updated file) and it is very easy to follow.

If your usernames and passwords stay exactly the same from Moodle 1.9 to 2.2, nothing should change on the Mahara site as accounts are not deleted when not connected to an authentication method. If the WWW root stays the same for your Moodle, you should not even have to make any changes on Mahara. However, as with any other installing and updating, it would be better if you trialled this on your test installation.



Juan Ezeiza's profile picture
Posts: 35

15 January 2012, 5:52

Hello Kristina,

Thank you for your answer. We are planning the transition for July and I'm going to trial it on my test installation soon. I only wanted to know wether it is as easy as it seems, and it should be Smile

Best regards


Gjorgi M.'s profile picture
Posts: 16

20 August 2013, 23:17

Hi Juan, 

I am in the front of the same challenge now.  Have you done something around this? Did you succesfully move to Moodle 2.x and keep the user's accounts synchronized?

Any information will be highly appreciated.




Juan Ezeiza's profile picture
Posts: 35

21 August 2013, 9:21

Hi Gjorgi,
The upgrading process worked fine. Now we are running Mahoodle with Moodle 2.4 and Mahara 1.7. However, I didn't make a clean installation of Moodle. I upgraded it and almost everything was allright. In fact, I've detected two accounts with synchronization problems.
Good luck!


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